Sunday, November 19, 2006

I act like I have faith; I really just have friends

I have been reminded recently that fairy tales don't exist. But even if they did, I'd inevitably get bored, hop over to the next bookshelf and choose my own adventure. Prince Charming would show up at my castle wall, yell for me to throw down my hair...But I'd already be gone. You see, I'd probably already be hidden away somewhere else.

A search party would be mounted, and the reader would find me tangled, instead, with the court jester, riding bareback around the countryside with a rogue knight or going to the public baths with a particularly lovely courtesan.

In real life, I prefer laughter to stability. But that's just me. Like Kerouac said, the "people for me are the mad ones," and Prince Charming is just too vanilla. Holden Caulfield is more my speed.

That said, I'd like to be clear. I know my fate. My love for adventure is eventually going to break my heart. I'd like to think that I am brave, but I really just have friends.

I'll show you what I mean:

Dear Kate:

Please find enclosed a 21st century iteration of an immortal classic: the mix tape.
  • Because it's what friends do.
  • Because, hopefully, these songs will make you, alternately: laugh, ponder, dream, and sing along. You're lovely doing all of these things.
  • Because music is for lovers.
...I wish I had the perfect thing to say, in some cinematic moment of profound articulation of everything you need and deserve to hear. What I do have is a heart with equal mileage, an ear and shoulder whenever you need them, and a tenacious belief that the love you've always said was all that matters does truly exist simply because people like you do. What you have, is a resilient spirit, soulful intelligence, bitchin' shoes and my friendship. Always.

I love you obnoxiously,

Alissa XOX

So thank you. To all of my friends. Somehow in this chaotic, crazy, wonderful adventure of a life, you make it all make sense. Some of you I've known always, some of you come along fortuitously, at precisely the moment I need to know you. Some of you stay, some of you go, and some of you I'll never meet. But to all of you, thank you. When I choose my own adventure, no matter how horrific the ending seems to be at the time, you allow me the luxury of living happily ever after.

To all of you who don't know me yet: Welcome to my story.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

Hi! I am in love with your blog. I know I've said this many times, but I really adore your words. They evoke everything in exactly the right measure. Most articulate individuals can produce beautiful images with their words, but you manage to render that which is much more that just a two dimensional visceral image; the only way I can really describe it would be to say that you facillitate empathy. That is powerful, powerful thing. And it's also what's most desparately needed at this time in the tenuous history of humanity. It's that power that is what saves the world. Thanks for all of that: your words, your power, your humanity, and your world as described by you. I am so excited for this blog.

I'm also so honored to have been quoted in it. For reasons I'm sure you understand, that is one of the highest compliments I've ever received.

Thanks also and again for picking me up from the airport. It logistically saved me from so much headache, but more than that, it was a very, very needed bookend on the weekend. I am so glad to have you in my life always, but especially at times where the wind shifts and tides turn and I know that change is ahead. Thanks for being the best wingman ever.

Love you!