Thursday, December 7, 2006

Proving the Animal Rule, Day 2

I thought this was an isolated event that brought a shiver to the back of my neck and made my stomach flip. But it happened again today. In the same place. With the same guy.

Both yesterday and today, I was walking through Coffman Union, on my way to Starbucks, half dreaming about the hot, delicious latte soon to be in my hand. Yesterday I was thinking, also, about the institution of marriage, and the sad state of secularly motivated relationships these days (apparently I don't know how to calm my mind. Even on a coffee run). And today I was thinking about how my office is setting up Christmas decorations (a tree with lights and everything), and how a state university has no place putting up a Christmas tree. Um, does anyone else see anything wrong with this?? I do.

Anyway, what I was thinking at these specific moments is just a caveat to what actually happened. Suffice it to say that my head was full, spinning as usual, and I was in my own world. And then, I was brought back to reality. Twice over. By the same moron.

Him: student age, standing by the ATM near the bookstore; short, unassuming, except slightly bug-eyed, with a parrot beak nose, wearing a leather jacket and a stocking cap. Not homeless or deranged. Just...sort of...bordering on gross.

Me: walking, wallet in hand, eyes slightly glazed over from staring at a computer screen for hours.

The event: He growled at me. A slow, loud, gutteral, animal, menacing growl, about thirty seconds long. A rolling grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, complete with a lip curl and a snarl. No exclamation at the end. No lilting playfulness. It wasn't an expletive. It just was. And that's why I shivered. His expression never changed.

What was this guy thinking?

"This girl looks relatively calm. I'll try to freak her out?"
"Maybe if I growl at her, she'll have sex with me?"

What came across most was: "I want women to feel unsafe."

I've been whistled at, catcalled, verbally berated and verbally harassed before. I've been hollered at from passing cars, eyed by construction workers, and even experienced the hiss, as if I were a pussycat. But I have never, NEVER been growled at. Until yesterday. And again today. By the same guy.

Same guy. Two days in a row. I wonder if his mother is proud of him.

What the eff is wrong with people?


I'm sick of being looked at.


Tony said...

hahahahaha. i don't know what i would do if someone growled at me...growl back i suppose.

AAA said...

okay, this must have happened after our rendevous...?!

u should have thrown ur coffee at him.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bunny,

You know what you should do... Bring a menorah into your office, or perhaps a dreidel and explain to your co-workers what Hannukah is. Cause we know you are half jewish, right my little bun?!